AETHEREO® 100% Pure Essential Oils

For Description & Uses:  

Breathe/Niaouli Melablend® - 1/4 fl oz (7.5 ml) $13.75

Buy Now Online: 1/4 fl oz (7.5 ml) BREATHE/NIAOULI MELABLEND Pure Essential Oil Blend

Also available in the BREATHE AethereoStick and in the Set of Six AethereoSticks

Respir-Ease-2020.jpgThis invigorating, open-air, forest-fresh Aethereo essential oil blend of Melaleuca species including Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia cineole chemotype) and nerolidol (Melaleuca quinquenervia chemotype N) can be helpful in supporting sinus and respiratory wellness.


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